Welcome to Willoughby and a brand-new school year. Willoughby is a place where we are more than just a school; we are an extension of our students’ families. I am so excited to start the school year as your principal. I take great pride in the sense of community we have within our school and we are very excited that you are part of it!
At Willoughby, we all work together in a caring environment to create a school that is safe, inclusive, values differences, demonstrates empathy and respect towards others, and responds when support or action is needed.
We actively work to ensure social, emotional, and physical safety for everyone, as well as create an environment for open communication and to respond empathetically to all. We work hard to model and teach personal and social responsibility and provide opportunities for creative and critical thinking. In addition, we celebrate our diversity and successes, and work cooperatively so everyone benefits. My goal, and the goal of my staff, is to create an innovative, inspiring, and unified learning community.
Students, you are the reason we are here. Work hard to have a successful school year. Strive to be an enthusiastic, motivated learner. Become involved by participating in your classroom. Listen to those who love and care for you, work with them, respect them, trust them, and love them.
Here are some helpful tips and friendly advice:
- Every rule is there for a reason: to protect your safety, well-being, and happiness. Respecting the rules makes our school a better place to work, learn, and play in.
- Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
- Always use kind words and actions: don’t allow your anger to take control.
- Remember to tell an adult right away if you or someone else has been hurt.
- Respect yourself, respect others, and respect your school and community.
- Seek adult help after you have tried your best to solve a problem or conflict.
- You cannot always control what other people say and do, but you can almost always control how you act, react, and respond. Only you are responsible for your own actions. Learn to recognize what “Zone” you are in and the tools required to get back to the “Green Zone” so you are ready to learn.
- Sometimes things don’t happen as quickly as you would like. Practice patience.
- Always try your best!
- Think positive and be positive!
The staff and I are looking forward to another great year of working and learning together.
Mrs. K. Muuren