Welcome to Willoughby
Willoughby is a big school and we need to do many things keep everyone safe. Please make sure you follow the procedures below:
Visitors: Please report to the office. If your child is late or you need to drop something off for them (e.g., lunch, homework, backpack, water bottle), please report to the office.
Our office is a very busy place: We ask that you limit messages that need to be relayed to your child through the office. For after school activities please write reminders in your child’s agenda. Please do the same with medical appointments or other early dismissals. This will help us out tremendously and will ensure your child is ready when you arrive to pick them up.
Please remember to call the school if your child is going to be late or away. This helps us account for all students and ensures that everyone is safe. We encourage you to call the school before 8:00 am to leave a message. The school only has two phone lines. We experience a higher volume of calls between 8:00 and 9:00 am.
You can also send an email to WESAttendance@sd35.bc.ca to report your child’s absence or if they are going to be arriving late.
Thank you for your help!
Office Hours: 8:00 am – 3:30 pm
Principal: Mrs. Karin Muuren kmuuren@sd35.bc.ca
Vice Principal: Mrs. Lara Gray Lara.Gray@sd35.bc.ca
Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Mya Bainbridge mbainbridge@sd35.bc.ca
Student Records Requests: wesstudentrecords@sd35.bc.ca
Willoughby PAC: willoughbypac@gmail.com
Please click HERE to determine your child’s catchment school.